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Peace of mind while you're away
Pawshake sitter seit August 2022
20+ Jahre Erfahrung
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Über Romain
Hi, my name is Romain, I'm Belgian and now live in Luxembourg-Beggen. I speak French, English and a little bit of Luxembourgish and Spanish.
I love animals and had cats and dogs for pretty much my entire life before moving to Luxembourg, I miss having pets so I'd be happy to spend time with yours !
My schedule: I can plan a home visit or walk before and after work, please note I'm not available during lunchtimes. On the weekends I'm generally flexible, as long as arranged sufficiently in advance.
Location: I am mostly around Beggen, Belair and anywhere in between those or near the center. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow me to take bookings that would take a lot of time to reach by public transports, thank you for your understanding.
Services I offer:
- Home visit (minimum 30 minutes): I come to your place to check on, feed, and play with your pet. I will clean the cats' litter, and let the dog out (or go for a quick walk). I can also administer basic medicine if requested (no injections). During each visit, I will be sending you pictures so you know that your pet is doing well. Of course, I make sure your home is properly locked when leaving. Timing to be discussed individually.
- Dog walking (minimum 30 minutes): I come to your place, take your dog for a walk (always on a leash), and take some pictures of your dog to send you. Of course, I make sure your home is properly locked during the walk and when leaving. Please note that I am not available for walks during office hours.
- Home sitting: I come and stay at your place, I take care of your pets (feeding them, playing with them, going for walks, cleaning the litter, administering basic medecine if requested), water your plants, and get the mail if requested. I will also be sending you lots of pictures of your pets, so you can enjoy your holidays knowing they are well. Regarding security, outsiders can see activity in your home (lights, me coming and going, etc.), and the house isn't empty during any night. Of course I also make sure your home is always properly locked. Regarding the time spent at the house, I try to be present as much as possible although I'm not there 24/7 (I go to work, to sport sometimes, etc.), your pets will get plenty of attention and company.
I'm generally flexible, so please let me know if you have any specific requests.
I have no issue with large dogs as I had an Amstaff during most of my childhood. I am also used to caring for aging dogs.
You know your pets more than anyone else, so I'm happy to hear about their personality and habits to best accommodate them.
Looking forward to meet you,
I love animals and had cats and dogs for pretty much my entire life before moving to Luxembourg, I miss having pets so I'd be happy to spend time with yours !
My schedule: I can plan a home visit or walk before and after work, please note I'm not available during lunchtimes. On the weekends I'm generally flexible, as long as arranged sufficiently in advance.
Location: I am mostly around Beggen, Belair and anywhere in between those or near the center. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow me to take bookings that would take a lot of time to reach by public transports, thank you for your understanding.
Services I offer:
- Home visit (minimum 30 minutes): I come to your place to check on, feed, and play with your pet. I will clean the cats' litter, and let the dog out (or go for a quick walk). I can also administer basic medicine if requested (no injections). During each visit, I will be sending you pictures so you know that your pet is doing well. Of course, I make sure your home is properly locked when leaving. Timing to be discussed individually.
- Dog walking (minimum 30 minutes): I come to your place, take your dog for a walk (always on a leash), and take some pictures of your dog to send you. Of course, I make sure your home is properly locked during the walk and when leaving. Please note that I am not available for walks during office hours.
- Home sitting: I come and stay at your place, I take care of your pets (feeding them, playing with them, going for walks, cleaning the litter, administering basic medecine if requested), water your plants, and get the mail if requested. I will also be sending you lots of pictures of your pets, so you can enjoy your holidays knowing they are well. Regarding security, outsiders can see activity in your home (lights, me coming and going, etc.), and the house isn't empty during any night. Of course I also make sure your home is always properly locked. Regarding the time spent at the house, I try to be present as much as possible although I'm not there 24/7 (I go to work, to sport sometimes, etc.), your pets will get plenty of attention and company.
I'm generally flexible, so please let me know if you have any specific requests.
I have no issue with large dogs as I had an Amstaff during most of my childhood. I am also used to caring for aging dogs.
You know your pets more than anyone else, so I'm happy to hear about their personality and habits to best accommodate them.
Looking forward to meet you,
Romain bietet ...
Bei Romain zu Hause
Romain bietet aktuell keine Dienstleistung bei sich zu Hause an.
Bei Dir zu Hause
Der Gassigänger holt Deinen Hund für einen Spaziergang abab 15 € /Spaziergang, 5 € /Zusätzliches HaustierEin Hausbesuch pro Tag
Buche einen Tiersitter, der zu Dir nach Hause kommt und Dein Tier füttert und mit ihm spieltab 15 € /TagZwei Hausbesuche pro Tag
Der Tiersitter kommt zwei Mal am Tag vorbeiab 30 € /TagHaussitting
Der Sitter übernachtet bei Dir zu Hauseab 45 € /NachtStornierungsbedingungen
Flexible Stornierungsbedingungen
Du erhältst eine volle Rückerstattung, wenn Du bis zum Tag vor der Buchung bis 12:00 Uhr stornierst.Verfügbarkeit
Kürzlich aktualisierter Kalender
Februar 2025
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Februar 2025
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
März 2025
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
Über Romains zu Hause
Das zu Hause
Mittelgroßer Außenbereich
Was Tierbesitzer über Romain sagen
Hält sich an Vereinbarungen
Akkurate Beschreibung
Umgang mit Tieren
Mehr über Romain
Ich spreche ...
Ich habe Erfahrung ...
20+ Jahre Erfahrung
Ich kann eine 24-Stunden-Aufsicht anbieten
Ich kann Medikamente oral verabreichen
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Haussittingab 45 € /Nacht
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