+13 Mehr

Lizzy and Junjie
We will be happy to be your little ones new best friends
Pawshake sitter seit November 2023
20+ Jahre Erfahrung
Aktiv in der Pawshake Community
1 Stammgast
9 mal gespeichert
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Zuletzt aktivvor 6 Tagen
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Zuletzt kontaktiertvor 6 Tagen
Zuletzt gebuchtvor 6 Monaten
Über Lizzy and Junjie
Hi.. We are Junjie and Lizzy... He is from Luxembourg.. And I'm a happy Latina originally from Costa Rica.. Now living in Luxembourg with my partner...
We love dogs but can't have them full time because we travel a lot. Then, we will be happy to meet your little ones..
We are offering to take care Of them in our place. We can board max 2 at the same time, but to provide the best experience for your little we prefer to keep only one at the time. We live in an appartement but we own the place then don't worry.. It means the owner will never tell your little ones to do not be noisy and happy around.. Because we are the owners..
We do not have patio but we have a lotttt of green space around and we work from home, then we will be happy to have several breaks per day to walk around with them.
Let us know their likes and dislikes and we will be happy to handle them. They will spend the day indoor next to us and we are ok to accommodate their beds next to us for a better supervision.
We speak 8 languages: English, Luxembourgish, French, Spanish, Chinese, German and I understand a little of Italian and Portuguese.
You can come with your little ones to check how we all interact and match before you let them with us.
We love dogs but can't have them full time because we travel a lot. Then, we will be happy to meet your little ones..
We are offering to take care Of them in our place. We can board max 2 at the same time, but to provide the best experience for your little we prefer to keep only one at the time. We live in an appartement but we own the place then don't worry.. It means the owner will never tell your little ones to do not be noisy and happy around.. Because we are the owners..
We do not have patio but we have a lotttt of green space around and we work from home, then we will be happy to have several breaks per day to walk around with them.
Let us know their likes and dislikes and we will be happy to handle them. They will spend the day indoor next to us and we are ok to accommodate their beds next to us for a better supervision.
We speak 8 languages: English, Luxembourgish, French, Spanish, Chinese, German and I understand a little of Italian and Portuguese.
You can come with your little ones to check how we all interact and match before you let them with us.
Lizzy and Junjie bietet ...
Bei Lizzy and Junjie zu Hause
Dein Hund übernachtet beim Sitter zu Hauseab 50 € /Nacht, 50 € /Zusätzliches HaustierHundetagesbetreuung
Tagesbetreuung beim Sitter zu Hauseab 30 € /Tag, 30 € /Zusätzliches HaustierBei Dir zu Hause
Lizzy and Junjie bietet aktuell keine Dienstleistungen beim Tierbesitzer zu Hause an.
Lizzy and Junjie akzeptiert
Hundealter3+ Jahre
Hundegrößen0-45 kg
KleintiereNagetiere, Kaninchen, Vögel, ...
Flexible Stornierungsbedingungen
Du erhältst eine volle Rückerstattung, wenn Du bis zum Tag vor der Buchung bis 12:00 Uhr stornierst.Verfügbarkeit
Kürzlich aktualisierter Kalender
Februar 2025
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
Februar 2025
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
März 2025
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
Über Lizzy and Junjies zu Hause
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Mehr über Lizzy and Junjie
Ich spreche ...
Ich habe Erfahrung ...
20+ Jahre Erfahrung
... mit Tieren aus dem Tierschutz
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Hundebetreuungab 50 € /Nacht, 50 € /Zusätzliches Haustier
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